I had a rough day at work today. But I’m glad I could pick this up at my local post office before coming home. I think this is the most beautiful fig I’ve acquired so far. Even the box is so pretty, I can’t bear to take her out of the box!

You're not the only one who has had reality rough.(現実が最低なのはお前だけじゃない。)/ペルソナ4 鳴上悠
2016-03-09 10:03:07

RT @lullymiura: 選挙とインターネットをどう見るかについて、米国大統領選は学べるところがある。日本の現状が候補者の討論会放映に向かっていくならばだけど。ワシントンポスト紙が先日のニューハンプシャーでの共和党討論会中のネット検索を理性的に分析。https://t.c…
2016-03-07 02:55:40

You're not the only one who has had reality rough.(現実が最低なのはお前だけじゃない。)/ペルソナ4 鳴上悠
2016-03-05 16:03:08

You're not the only one who has had reality rough.(現実が最低なのはお前だけじゃない。)/ペルソナ4 鳴上悠
2016-03-03 04:03:18